2월 “주님를 사랑하고 있습니까?”
[나 자신의 의무감이나 유익에 묶일 때]
February "Are you loving the Lord?"
[vs. Own sense of duty or selfishness]
: My Utmost for His Highest
Your Word / Key Verse - 중심 구절
We have been made as the filth of the world… (1Co 4:13)
“비방을 받으면 좋은 말로 응답합니다. 우리는 이 세상의 쓰레기처럼 되고, 이제까지 만물의 찌꺼기처럼 되었습니다.” (고전 4:13, 새번역)
함께 읽는 구절 / Read along with
1 Corinthians 4:7-16, NIV11)
“「7」 For who makes you different from anyone else? What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as though you did not?
「8」 Already you have all you want! Already you have become rich! You have begun to reign - and that without us! How I wish that you really had begun to reign so that we also might reign with you!
「9」 For it seems to me that God has put us apostles on display at the end of the procession, like those condemned to die in the arena. We have been made a spectacle to the whole universe, to angels as well as to human beings.
「10」 We are fools for Christ, but you are so wise in Christ! We are weak, but you are strong! You are honored, we are dishonored!
「11」 To this very hour we go hungry and thirsty, we are in rags, we are brutally treated, we are homeless.
「12」 We work hard with our own hands. When we are cursed, we bless; when we are persecuted, we endure it;
「13」 when we are slandered, we answer kindly. We have become the scum of the earth, the garbage of the world - right up to this moment.
「14」 I am writing this not to shame you but to warn you as my dear children.
「15」 Even if you had ten thousand guardians in Christ, you do not have many fathers, for in Christ Jesus I became your father through the gospel.
「16」 Therefore I urge you to imitate me.”
(1 Corinthians 4:7-16, MSG)
“「7」 For who do you know that really knows you, knows your heart? And even if they did, is there anything they would discover in you that you could take credit for? Isn't everything you have and everything you are sheer gifts from God? So what's the point of all this comparing and competing?
「8」 You already have all you need. You already have more access to God than you can handle. Without bringing either Apollos or me into it, you're sitting on top of the world--at least God's world--and we're right there, sitting alongside you!
「9」 It seems to me that God has put us who bear his Message on stage in a theater in which no one wants to buy a ticket. We're something everyone stands around and stares at, like an accident in the street.
「10」 We're the Messiah's misfits. You might be sure of yourselves, but we live in the midst of frailties and uncertainties. You might be well-thought-of by others, but we're mostly kicked around.
「11」 Much of the time we don't have enough to eat, we wear patched and threadbare clothes, we get doors slammed in our faces,
「12」 and we pick up odd jobs anywhere we can to eke out a living. When they call us names, we say, "God bless you."
「13」 When they spread rumors about us, we put in a good word for them. We're treated like garbage, potato peelings from the culture's kitchen. And it's not getting any better.
「14」 I'm not writing all this as a neighborhood scold just to make you feel rotten. I'm writing as a father to you, my children. I love you and want you to grow up well, not spoiled.
「15」 There are a lot of people around who can't wait to tell you what you've done wrong, but there aren't many fathers willing to take the time and effort to help you grow up. It was as Jesus helped me proclaim God's Message to you that I became your father.
「16」 I'm not, you know, asking you to do anything I'm not already doing myself.”
(1 Corinthians 4:7-16, NIV11) “「7」 For who makes you different from anyone else? What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as though you did not? 「8」 Already you have all you want! Already you have become rich! You have begun to reign - and that without us! How I wish that you really had begun to reign so that we also might reign with you! 「9」 For it seems to me that God has put us apostles on display at the end of the procession, like those condemned to die in the arena. We have been made a spectacle to the whole universe, to angels as well as to human beings. 「10」 We are fools for Christ, but you are so wise in Christ! We are weak, but you are strong! You are honored, we are dishonored! 「11」 To this very hour we go hungry and thirsty, we are in rags, we are brutally treated, we are homeless. 「12」 We work hard with our own hands. When we are cursed, we bless; when we are persecuted, we endure it; 「13」 when we are slandered, we answer kindly. We have become the scum of the earth, the garbage of the world - right up to this moment. 「14」 I am writing this not to shame you but to warn you as my dear children. 「15」 Even if you had ten thousand guardians in Christ, you do not have many fathers, for in Christ Jesus I became your father through the gospel. 「16」 Therefore I urge you to imitate me.” (1 Corinthians 4:7-16, MSG) “「7」 For who do you know that really knows you, knows your heart? And even if they did, is there anything they would discover in you that you could take credit for? Isn't everything you have and everything you are sheer gifts from God? So what's the point of all this comparing and competing? 「8」 You already have all you need. You already have more access to God than you can handle. Without bringing either Apollos or me into it, you're sitting on top of the world--at least God's world--and we're right there, sitting alongside you! 「9」 It seems to me that God has put us who bear his Message on stage in a theater in which no one wants to buy a ticket. We're something everyone stands around and stares at, like an accident in the street. 「10」 We're the Messiah's misfits. You might be sure of yourselves, but we live in the midst of frailties and uncertainties. You might be well-thought-of by others, but we're mostly kicked around. 「11」 Much of the time we don't have enough to eat, we wear patched and threadbare clothes, we get doors slammed in our faces, 「12」 and we pick up odd jobs anywhere we can to eke out a living. When they call us names, we say, "God bless you." 「13」 When they spread rumors about us, we put in a good word for them. We're treated like garbage, potato peelings from the culture's kitchen. And it's not getting any better. 「14」 I'm not writing all this as a neighborhood scold just to make you feel rotten. I'm writing as a father to you, my children. I love you and want you to grow up well, not spoiled. 「15」 There are a lot of people around who can't wait to tell you what you've done wrong, but there aren't many fathers willing to take the time and effort to help you grow up. It was as Jesus helped me proclaim God's Message to you that I became your father. 「16」 I'm not, you know, asking you to do anything I'm not already doing myself.”
(고전 4:7-16, 새번역)
“「7」 누가 그대를 별다르게 보아줍니까? 그대가 가지고 있는 것 가운데서 받아서 가지지 않은 것이 무엇이 있습니까? 모두가 받은 것이라면, 왜 받지 않은 것처럼 자랑합니까?
「8」 여러분은 벌써 배가 불렀습니다. 벌써 부자가 되었습니다. 우리를 제쳐놓고 왕이나 된 듯이 행세하였습니다. 여러분이 진정 왕처럼 되었으면, 좋겠습니다. 그렇게 하여 우리도 여러분과 함께 왕노릇 하게 되면, 좋겠습니다.
「9」 내가 생각하기에, 하나님께서는 사도들인 우리를 마치 사형수처럼 세상에서 가장 보잘것없는 사람들로 내놓으셨습니다. 우리는 세계와 천사들과 사람들에게 구경거리가 된 것입니다.
「10」 우리는 그리스도 때문에 어리석은 사람이 되었지만, 여러분은 그리스도 안에서 지혜 있는 사람이 되었습니다. 우리는 약하나, 여러분은 강합니다. 여러분은 영광을 누리고 있으나, 우리는 천대를 받고 있습니다.
「11」 우리는 바로 이 시각까지도 주리고, 목마르고, 헐벗고, 얻어맞고, 정처 없이 떠돌아다닙니다.
「12」 우리는 우리 손으로 일을 하면서, 고된 노동을 합니다. 우리는 욕을 먹으면 도리어 축복하여 주고, 박해를 받으면 참고,
「13」 비방을 받으면 좋은 말로 응답합니다. 우리는 이 세상의 쓰레기처럼 되고, 이제까지 만물의 찌꺼기처럼 되었습니다.
「14」 내가 이런 말을 쓰는 것은 여러분을 부끄럽게 하려는 것이 아니라, 나의 사랑하는 자녀들같이 훈계하려는 것입니다.
「15」 그리스도 안에서 여러분에게는 일만 명의 스승이 있을지 몰라도, 아버지는 여럿이 있을 수 없습니다. 그리스도 예수 안에서 복음으로 내가 여러분을 낳았습니다.
「16」 그러므로 나는 여러분에게 권합니다. 여러분은 나를 본받는 사람이 되십시오.”
중심 주제 문구 / Key
"세상의 찌꺼기 같은 우리"
"Becoming the “Filth of the World”
거절하는 신자들
많은 신자들이 복음을 위해 신자를 따로 구별하시는 하나님을 거절합니다.
”우리는 이 세상의 쓰레기처럼 되고, 이제까지 만물의 찌꺼기처럼 되었습니다.”의 표현은 과장된 표현이 아닙니다. 오늘날 이른바 복음 사역자들인 우리에게 이 말이 해당되지 않는 것은 우리에게 너무나 많은 세상의 애착들이 남아 있어서 우리는 만물의 찌꺼기가 되기를 스스로 거절하기 때문입니다.
거듭난 신자 모두가 “그리스도의 남은 고난을 채우는 삶”을 살아가지는 않습니다. 오직 “복음을 위해 따로 구별된 자”가 그리스도의 남을 고난을 채우게 됩니다.
베드로는 “너희를 연단하려고 오는 불 시험을 이상한 일 당하는 것같이 이상히 여기지 말라” (벧전 4:12)고 합니다. 신자가 겪는 여러 고난을 이상하게 여긴다면, 이는 신자의 마음이 겁으로 차 있기 때문입니다.
우리는 종종 불 시험을 피할 수만 있다면 아주 빠르게 피하려고 할 것입니다. “나는 복음 때문에 부끄러움을 당하고 싶지 않아. 사람들에게 굽히고 싶지 않아.”
복음이 증거될 수만 있다면
그러나 어떤 신자는 “복음이 증거된다면 나는 이 땅에서 찌거기같이 대우 받아도 상관없다”라고 말합니다.
예수 그리스도의 종이란 하나님의 복음의 실재를 위해 순교할 각오를 한 자들입니다.
어떤 신자가 단지 도덕적인 사람이라면 부끄러움이나 부도덕을 경험하거나 배신을 당하게 될 때 그 악영향이 그의 ‘선함’에 너무나 큰 충격을 주기에 그의 마음은 절망으로 닫히게 됩니다.
그러나 하나님이 ‘구속의 실재’의 놀라움이란, 아무리 나쁘고 악한 사람이라도 하나님의 사랑에서 벗어날 수 없다는 사실입니다.
바울은 하나님께서 그를 얼마나 훌륭한 사람으로 만들 수 있는지를 보여주시기 위해 자신을 구별했다고 말하지 않습니다. 단지 “내 안에 계신 하나님의 아들을 보여주기 위해” 구별 되었다고 말합니다.
[Wisdom from Oswald]
We are in danger of being stern where God is tender, and of being tender where God is stern.
우리는 하나님이 부드러우신 곳에 엄격해지고, 하나님이 엄격하신 곳에 부드러워질 위험에 처해 있습니다.
[Read more from today's devotional : My Utmost for His Highest ]
말씀과 기도
오늘 읽고 묵상한 말씀을 가지고 기도문을 작성합니다.
(Write a prayer using the words you read and reflected on today).
*”주님 제가 복음을 온전히 증거하는 삶에 대해서 타협하고 있는 지점이 있습니다. 그 타협하는 지점이 어는 곳인지 가르쳐 주시고 타협하는 것들을 내려놓도록 인도하여 주소서”*"Lord, there are places where I am compromising my life as a full witness to the gospel. Please show me where I am compromising and guide me to lay down what I am compromising."
[나의 기도 - My Prayer]