BD-7 “Forgiveness” (Discipleship 3)

[Sermon Notes]

Title: “Forgiveness” (Discipleship 3)

Text: Matthew 7:7-10

10. Forms of Forgiveness
20. Food for Tomorrow

[7] “Ask, and it will be given to you by God. Seek, and you will find, and it will be given to you. Knock on the door, and it will be opened to you. [8] For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who seeks finds; and to everyone who knocks it will be opened. [9] What man among you, when his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone, [10] or when he asks him for fish, will give him a snake? (Matthew 7:7-10)

[Sermon manuscript]

Title: “Forgiveness” (Discipleship 3)

1. What & Who are you thankful for this week?

11. United Family Retreat

“I cannot fill your cup. But I can empty mine.”

“Happiness is the result of adopting God's view over ours, as ours”

“Uncertainty of tomorrow reveals our need for the God of tomorrow for today.”

12. “Inviting Life with the Gospel” Life Study Seminar

“Happy Life” -> “Life of Invitation with the Gospel” -> “Life of Life”

Ensure that “biblical division of labor” occurs in Life Studies

“We speak by our fruits”

4 pillars of house church (spirit resembling biblical values)

- 4 pillars (spirit) (soul-saving discipleship / watching and learning principle / biblical ministry sharing / servant leadership)

- 3 Pillars: Ranch, Life Study, Sunday Unity Worship

- Leadership of the Senior Pastor: The three pillars must be balanced and in motion. To do this, he or she must provide leadership that keeps the spirit of the four pillars permeating each of the three pillars.

- Obedience training, service training, prayer training

- Eternal reward: Pursue faithfulness (loyalty), not success. Thus, we build the kingdom of God.

2. Review last Sunday's message

Love is related to will (choice). Believers make a lot of choices, but they are not using their will for the essential things they should be choosing as believers. (Sotomayor)

The Trinitarian God is the one who always chooses, with the highest passion and will, “to be God.” So God is love. The Trinitarian God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, loves and listens to each other.

For a Christian to live as a disciple of Jesus is to aspire to “what I am growing to be” and to use the will to choose what to choose and to discard what to discard. And the church, the community of Christ's disciples, is also to grow in Christ as it seeks to answer the question, “What does God want the church to look like?”

Love is involved in the choice to grow as a believer. Love unites faith and hope. God always has a river-like flow in the life of the believer that leads the believer to grow. It is the life of a disciple who chooses to commit his life to the flow of God's leading.

10. the food of forgiveness

11. the food we need

In today's passage from Matthew 7, a child asks for bread, and no parent gives him a stone. Imagine a child who is satisfied with the bread his parents give him.

Disciples are those who seek “the food of truth.” Disciples' lives are characterized by sharing not only physical food, but “food of truth” that honors the human dignity of the other person.

12. Flowing

After I graduated from college, I served as a missionary organizer. I was able to dedicate myself as a staff member after completing a training called DTS (Discipleship Training School). One of the characteristics of this organization is “Flowing”. Flowing is a discipline where the believer listens to God's voice through the Holy Spirit. When a believer sees the need of someone in their circle or realizes the voice of God, they share some of their resources (money, gifts) with that person. Most of them were poor, so it was not a lot of money, but by sharing with each other, they not only met each other's needs, but were blessed with a deep appreciation of God's love and the love of the community.

13. Love involves the use of our will.

With the “desire for us to be us” and the “desire for me to be me,” what are the willful choices a disciple must make?

First is forgiveness. The believer must continue to practice the discipline of forgiveness.

Second is holiness.

14. forgiveness

Forgiveness is central to the life of Jesus and the essence of a gracious and merciful God.

Forgiveness is a holy way of restoring the dignity of human beings that God desires.

Forgiveness is a holy way to restore the human dignity that God desires, because it is a mutual exchange of life and truth.

14-1. Why we need to practice forgiveness

Nevertheless, it is not truly easy for a believer to live a life of forgiveness or to ask someone for forgiveness.

This is because people want to defend and protect their own dignity.

The prayer that Jesus taught is a prayer for daily bread, followed by a prayer of forgiveness. Just as the hungry son asks his father for bread and receives it and is filled, so the prayer of forgiveness and a life of forgiveness is meant to receive the gift of human dignity as a gift from God.

15. Training to step out of our comfort zone

Forgiveness is a discipline because it pushes both the forgiver and the forgiven out of their comfort zone.

Forgiveness displays the “helplessness of God,” and so does the believer's forgiveness.

Helplessness is the recognition that I cannot live without someone's words of forgiveness, nor can I fulfill my mission of being myself without the healing of those I have hurt.

“Neither the forgiver nor the forgiven possesses the power to let go of the past and face the future alone; both realize that their own pasts, stained with so much darkness and hurt, now need to be healed, and only then can they live more fully with each other and with the other's help.”

16. “Please like me”

Receiving the gift of true humanity through forgiveness goes hand in hand with Jesus' command to love one another.

May we be a loving WorshipFrontier community that acknowledges and welcomes each other's presence and confesses that through the other we can grow into beings of true dignity.

BD-6 "Faith, Hope, and Love (2)" (Discipleship 2)

[Sermon Notes]

Title: "Faith, Hope, and Love (2)" (Discipleship 2)

Text: 1 Corinthians 13:8-13

10. Faith: Understand "Faith as a trustworthy relationship."
20.Hope: Remember "hope as a trustworthy relationship."
30. Love: Choose "love as a trustworthy relationship."

(1 Corinthians 13:8-13, New Living Translation) [8] Love does not pass away; but prophecy passes away, tongues cease, and knowledge passes away.
[9] For we know in part, and prophesy in part.
[10] But when that which is complete comes, that which is partial will pass away.
[11] When I was a child, I was like a child in speech, like a child in understanding, and like a child in thinking; but when I became a man, I put away the things of a child.
[12] For now I do not see dimly, as in a mirror, as we see an image, but then I shall see face to face; now I know only in part, but then I shall know fully, as God knows me.
[13] Now faith, hope, love, these three abide always, but the greatest of these is love.

[Sermon manuscript]

Title: "Faith, Hope, and Love (2)" (Discipleship 2)

1. How did your week go?

Who or what are you grateful for during the week? What was rewarding, enjoyable, or pleasurable?

2. Review the past hour

"Faith Hope Love" These three are important characteristics that must be present in a disciple of Christ. We learned that faith is related to the intellect (understanding), hope is related to memory, and love is related to the willingness to want.

3. Faith

Faith has to do with the believer's understanding, mind and intellect, which grows deeper and broader in a trusting relationship with God, "receiving the richer truths that God gives." May we build trust in the One who never forsakes the believer and never leaves him alone, and may we demonstrate a faith that works for the weak, the marginalized, the suffering, and those on the margins.

So we see that faith is related to worship. A disciple is someone who loves to worship. Through personal and corporate worship, we must open our hearts, open our minds, and open our imaginations to the richness of God's truth and to a deeper relationship of trust each day.

4. Hope

The dark night of the soul confuses not only our personal identity but also the identity of society. People are confused between the identity they hear within themselves and the identity they are told by others. True identity comes from God, a trustworthy witness to our past, present, and future in a loving relationship.

Seen through the eyes of the One who never leaves, everything about the believer, past or present, is still true. Imagine seemingly disconnected and disparate fragments suddenly coming together in the hands of a divine observer, a holy witness.

As God's workmanship, the believer is to live in the hope that he or she will be nurtured and built up to live a life that honors God's glorious grace. To this end, we ask that you persevere day by day.

So we see that hope is related to keeping God's Word close at hand. A disciple is one who takes God's word to heart and mind day by day, so that he may hold on to the words of hope that God gives and persevere in the path of faith.

Love: Select "Love as a trusting relationship." 31.

31. a dark night envelops our will.

- We use our will incessantly in the face of countless choices. [The Age of Over-Choice].

- But something is wrong, isn't it?

- We make so many choices, but when it comes to the essential things we need to choose, we stop using our "will".

We have come to "treat our will and choice as a series of disconnected and fragmented acts of choice. We are left with a series of superficial expressions of what we want. And we keep muttering to ourselves, feeling very proud of ourselves, 'I'm exercising free choice now~'"

32. What we lose as a result

- We have truly lost "the awareness (realization, awakening) of the deep aspirations that make us who we are."

- There's a phrase, "greed versus envy. It means to covet small things and miss out on big things.

- There is a "constant flow" in our lives that leads us toward our goals, but we have become disconnected from our awareness of this flow.

32-1 Eros as a Deep Desire

- Common Eros: Love between men and women in the form of sexual images

= Eros as a deep aspiration: "A deep aspiration that allows me to be myself, a deep-fruited eros that directs my whole life toward some object (the person I love, the God I love) that provides meaning outside of myself."

33. We live in the grip of consumer psychology.

- We have given supreme authority to consumer psychology ("I will buy that thing") and as a result have failed to ask serious questions about the direction of the aspirations that underlie our existence.

- The consumer society gradually leads us to lose the notion that the most precious freedom is the freedom to be ourselves and the freedom to grow.

34. Freedom to find the waves of change

It is not the freedom to "be ourselves" in the sense of "asserting what we want" in every moment, but rather the freedom to slowly but persistently seek out the ripples of change that run deep in our lives and find a place in our lives to grow into what God wants us to be. This is the heart of discipleship.

"If we can confront the "dark night" that surrounds will, freedom, and choice, and see through how little we and our culture value these entities, then we are equipped to grow in love."

35. 1 Corinthians 13

- In Paul's discussion of love, he says that it's not enough to "do good".

Love is about building love and trust through our relationship with God and our relationship with our neighbors.

Love rejoices in others, doesn't take pleasure in their failures, and is willing to embrace the truth that produces life and joy. Love is born by loving and being loved. (1 John 4:10)

36. Love unites all subjects.

- The trustworthy One who never leaves us, the One who remembers us as we were and as we are, the One who gazes upon us with a steady gaze, the One who bears an unwavering witness to who we are for all eternity, that God is love.

(1 John 4:8, NIV) Whoever does not love does not know God. (1Jn 4:8, NIV11) Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.(1Jn 4:8, MSG) The person who refuses to love doesn't know the first thing about God, because God is love--so you can't know him if you don't love.

We see, then, that love has to do with our devotion, with presenting our bodies as holy living sacrifices, pleasing to God. The disciple is to offer his body as a living sacrifice--that is, to willingly choose and eagerly present his body to God when and where God wants it.

37. Summary / Exhortation

- He counts us, understands us, holds us, and most of all, welcomes us. We are the object of his eternal joy.

- But when that love is deeply rooted in our hearts and minds, the fundamental reality of what the Church is and what it should be becomes clear.

Faith, hope, and love, the Apostle Paul tells us, are the three pillars of discipleship, the core of our life of learning and growing in Christ.

Grow in the Lord's love. May your faith be steadfast in His love, your hope soar, and your training and practice in obedience and service increase, so that you may enjoy and savor more of the glory of life.

BD-5 "Faith, Hope, and Love" (Discipleship)

[Sermon summary]

Title: "Faith, Hope, and Love" (Discipleship 2)

A disciple of Jesus is to grow in his walk with Jesus by learning from him.

Faith, hope, and love are important characteristics of a disciple of Christ. A disciple needs to know how these three grow and operate.

When a believer faces a "dark night," he or she becomes disoriented, feeling that there is much failure and hardship in his or her life. A disoriented believer struggles to grow in faith.

When the dark night engulfs the believer's intellect, the believer understands faith as the answer to a problem or a means to an ethical goal. God wants to expand the believer's understanding and intellect so that the believer can receive the richer truth that God wants to give. What God wants is a relationship, not an "answer." We want you to have "faith and belief as a trusted relationship". God is the one who invites you into a relationship where He never abandons you and never leaves you alone.

Dark nights envelop the memory of the believer, leaving him or her confused about his or her identity. While many of us live with countless memories of ourselves and our neighbors, we must acknowledge that there are countless more that we cannot grasp or see for ourselves. God, who never leaves, is with us in our past, present, and future, a faithful witness to our identity. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who was revered by many for his role in planning Hitler's assassination and was executed, confessed. "Who I am is in the hands of God."

Not in my memory, but in God's word and testimony, the believer's identity is restored so that he or she can have hope. Hope connects past, present, and future in a single relationship, which in turn sets the believer on a path of growing in faith with remarkable perseverance through the "confusion and anxiety of memory" because of the heavenly witness, the God who will not forsake us.

When the believer lives in faith and hope through a trusting relationship with God, the believer will discover and desire true love.

[Sermon Notes]

Title: "Faith, Hope, and Love" (Discipleship 2)

Text: 1 Corinthians 13:8-13

10. Faith: Understand "Faith as a trustworthy relationship."
20.Hope: Remember "hope as a trustworthy relationship."
30. Love: Choose "love as a trustworthy relationship."

(1 Corinthians 13:8-13, New Living Translation) [8] Love does not pass away; but prophecy passes away, tongues cease, and knowledge passes away.
[9] For we know in part, and prophesy in part.
[10] But when that which is complete comes, that which is partial will pass away.
[11] When I was a child, I was like a child in speech, like a child in understanding, and like a child in thinking; but when I became a man, I put away the things of a child.
[12] For now I do not see dimly, as in a mirror, as we see an image, but then I shall see face to face; now I know only in part, but then I shall know fully, as God knows me.
[13] Now faith, hope, love, these three abide always, but the greatest of these is love.

[Sermon manuscript]

Title: "Faith, Hope, and Love" (Discipleship)

1. A disciple is one who learns and grows.

St. John of the Cross, a 16th-century Spanish friar, said that believers face a "dark night". The "dark night" that the believer faces feels like failure and hardship, but because of the "zeal of God," it becomes a place where the believer "trains" and "practices," and the disciple becomes a step forward.

2. the three essential characteristics of living as a disciple of Christ

In today's passage, "faith, hope, and love" are the three essential characteristics of living as a disciple of Christ, but many believers don't understand how they work. They don't understand how they grow in the life of a believer.

3. Understanding, remembering, and wanting.

In the 16th century, theologians understood the human spirit to be an interaction of intellect, memory, and will: "The human spirit is made up of understanding, remembering, and wanting." John of the Cross wrote, "In the Christian life, faith arises from the intellect (understanding), hope arises from memory, and love arises from wanting." He goes on to say, "The most difficult thing for a Christian to do in growing in faith is to become disoriented." Yes, many times we see believers with an intellect that thinks they understand their faith correctly, but in fact they don't. They think they remember, but they live without hope in the midst of much confusion. They choose and live because they want something, but they want something empty.

4. James refers to such believers as "those who deceive themselves".

(James 1:22-25, NIV) "[22] Be doers of the word, not merely hearers, deceiving yourselves. "23" Anyone who hears the word and does not do it is like a person who looks into a mirror at his own face, just as it is. "24" This is the kind of person who sees his reflection and goes away and soon forgets what it is like. "25" But the one who keeps an eye on the perfect law, the law that sets you free, and who constantly lives by it, is not someone who hears the law and forgets about it, but someone who puts it into practice. This person will be blessed for what he does.

Now the believer must be renewed in his intellect, memory, and will to become what God truly wants him to be. He must be renewed in faith, hope, and love.

10. Faith: Understand "Faith as a Trusted Relationship."

11. A dark night envelops the intellect.

The dark night that hinders the believer's intellect is "the loss of the very idea of being receptive to the richer truths God has to offer."

Faith is not a comprehensive, systematic answer to all our problems, nor is it the answer to achieving our moral and ethical goals. We need to ask ourselves: what is true faith? What is most important to me in my faith? Is what I know the essence of faith? We need to ask ourselves these questions.

12. St. John of the Cross

St. John of the Cross says, "Faith in the true sense of the word grows out of recognizing the 'barriers' placed before our intellect and realizing the 'confusion and loss' that hinder our understanding." God wants to stretch our understanding, our minds, and our intellect to receive a richer truth, but we often don't even think we can receive a richer truth.

13. "Trusting relationship."

Faith and belief take the form of a "trusting relationship." Faith begins with the realization that there is a being (God, the eternal Other) who will never leave the believer alone. The believer embraces the many problems in his or her life with the assurance that he or she will not be "abandoned." The believer lives with the power and confidence to uncover what God is doing and to boldly share God's word with the world.

13-1. Faith as a trusting relationship

"Faith as a trusting relationship" is not faith in my ability to master the truth, but rather the conviction that the truth can master me and that it is possible for me to be captivated by it. It is knowing that when a faithful God, not I, connects and sustains my relationship with living truth, that relationship becomes trustworthy, and for this to happen, I give up trust in my own resources.

14. Building trustworthy relationships

Believers must recognize that it is not about building wise systems, but about building trustworthy relationships. In a time when a dark night has fallen over the intellect, we are called to restore a trusting relationship with God and, as disciples of Christ, to embody and share that relationship in the world.

15. Questions that examine our relationship with God (True or False Questions)


( ) The most important thing in Christian life is having the right relationship with God and neighbors. (Matthew 22: 34-40)

( ) The most important thing in Christian life is having the right relationship with God and neighbors. (Matthew 22: 34-40)


( ) Just because you don't have a good relationship with your neighbor doesn't mean you have a bad relationship with God. (Matthew 22:39)

( ) Just because you don't have a good relationship with your neighbor doesn't mean you have a bad relationship with God. (Matthew 22:39)


(Matthew 22:39, New Living Translation) "The second commandment is the same: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'"

16. summary/exhortation

-Realize that there is a God who will not leave you alone, and develop a relationship of trust with God (this involves letting go of the things you trust in yourself).

- Demonstrate in your life that you are in a trusting relationship with God. (Demonstrate faith as a trustworthy relationship to the weak, the marginalized, the suffering, and those on the margins.)

20. Hope: Remember "Hope as a trusted relationship."

21. Dark nights envelope our memories.

The dark night confuses our memories: "Who were we, who was I? Who are we now, who am I?"

21-1. confusion of self-identity

People, as well as our society, try to remember the past and examine the present. However, this society and individuals live with a confusion of self-identity because the continuity of memory is disrupted.

Many people try to build a future based on their memories of the past and present, and the future based on those memories, but they live in a state of anxiety and lost hope. Some people lose hope because they hear the sounds of despair from within themselves, and some because external voices speak to them about their despair.

22. My identity. (Dietrich Bonhoeffer)

Who am I? / [Example, from Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Apocalypse Now].

"Who am I? Others often say to me, how calm, cheerful, and steadfast I am when I come out of my cell, like a lord coming out of a castle."

There's a difference about identity. "How others see you vs. how you know you are inside"

- How others see you (confident, mature, rational, prayerful, faithful, courageous, etc.)
- The person you know yourself to be (weak, defeated, struggling with inner lamentations and fears)

So Bonhoeffer asks, "Which one, then, is me?"
- The me that others say I am, or the me that I know I am?

His honest and surprising answer gives believers some very important insight.

"I cannot know. God must answer. It is not for me to judge whether I am truly courageous or cowardly, confident or fearful, or both. Who I am is in God's hands."

23. There is a witness that informs identity.

The believer should know his or her identity in relationship with God (and, of course, in relationship with the neighbor) and enjoy the hope that springs from it.

Hope in relationship is hope in a relationship with a being who will not leave or forsake the believer, a hope in a relationship with a God who knows, understands, and holds us for who we were and who we are.

The believer has an identity not because he or she has invented it or has an immutable, solid self at the center of it. The believer has a witness that tells him or her who he or she is.

23-1, God, who has the eye of love, is that witness.

"The things that no individual can grasp or see on his or her own-the fragments of self that cannot be stitched together into a coherent and compelling story-are all caught in God's loving eye and tell us who we are."

That's why the believer doesn't have to take it upon himself to wrestle with the question of who he is and who he has been, or to try to determine it.

23-2. [Imagine] seeing through the eyes of the One who never leaves, everything about the believer, past or present, is still true: seemingly disconnected and disparate fragments suddenly come together in the touch of a divine observer, a holy witness.

24. Hope as a trusted relationship grows the believer in perseverance.

Hope connects the past, present, and future into a single relationship, resulting in a path of growing in faith with remarkable perseverance through the "confusion and anxiety of memory" because of the heavenly witness, the God who will not forsake us.

The believer who has hope in relationship perseveres through many circumstances. Real human beings surrounded by chaos and uncertainty.

24. Hope as a trustworthy relationship grows the believer in patience.

Hope connects the past, present, and future into a single relationship, resulting in a path of growing in faith with remarkable perseverance in the midst of "the confusion and anxiety of memory" because of the heavenly witness, the God who will not forsake us.

The believer who has hope in relationship perseveres through many circumstances. The believer who has hope in relationship perseveres in many circumstances: perseverance in the face of real human beings who are subject to chaos and uncertainty; perseverance in an environment in which many things are uncertain and in danger of disappearing; and perseverance in recognizing that it takes time for each of us to grow in Christ.

24-1. If it takes time for each of us to grow, it also takes time for the community of Christ to grow fully. Hope and patience are woven together. Only a church that has learned patience can effectively proclaim hope.`

25. Summary / Exhortation

As God's workmanship, believers are to live in hope that they will grow and be built up to live a life that honors God's glorious grace. To this end, I urge you to live patiently day by day.

(Eph 1:6, NIV11) "So that we might praise God for his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in his beloved Son." (Eph 1:6, NIV11) "To the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves."

(Eph 2:10, NIV) "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works. We are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God created us to do, which God prepared in advance so that we would walk in them, doing good works."

(Eph 2:10, NIV11) "For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."

(Eph 2:10, MSG) "No, we neither make nor save ourselves. God does both the making and saving. He creates each of us by Christ Jesus to join him in the work he does, the good work he has gotten ready for us to do, work we had better be doing."

30. Love: Choose "Love as a trusting relationship."

31. A dark night envelops our will (choice).

People of this age live with so many choices that they use their will and choice in a series of disconnected and fragmented choices. They have no will to choose the essential things they really want, and they live their lives choosing the superficial things they need.

32. What You Really Need to Choose

But what we really need to choose is "the deepest aspirations that allow me to be myself," "the calling that makes us who we are," "the currents that carry each of us toward our own goals," and so on.

33. [Next time].

BD-4 "Are You a Disciple of Jesus?" (4)

[Sermon summary]

Disciples of Jesus are followers of Jesus. Jesus told us to first deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow him, pointing the way out of self-centeredness or self-obsession.

A disciple of Jesus is one who is chosen and invited by Jesus. "And Jesus went up into the mountain, and called those whom he wished, and they came to him. And he chose twelve, and he made them to be with him..." (Mark 3:13-14) So a disciple of Jesus is someone who belongs to Jesus' flock. Jesus chooses and protects the marginalized, the despised, the self-loathing, the poor, and the sick.

A disciple of Jesus is one who abides in Jesus, abides in his word, and abides in his love. A disciple gets to know God by dwelling in the Word, prayer, and community with focus and expectation, experiencing the Triune God.

God enables Jesus' followers to experience "God-shaped change." Therefore, a disciple is one who learns and practices how God works.

(1) The life of a disciple who has experienced God's love and transformation becomes a little better at doing small, ordinary things.
(2) One who lives with God's love speaks words of love. The God of love is the one who says, "You're the best, you're the best, I love you, I love you." So a person who has been transformed by God's love speaks words of love to someone on behalf of God so that they can have an experience of encountering God.
(3) A disciple is someone who finds beauty in themselves. A disciple sees the beauty and strength within themselves as reflected in the hearts of others, realizing that the way they see others is the way they see themselves, so they look at others with generosity, warmth, and love.
(4) A disciple sees others as creators. "Life is not a process of finding oneself, but of creating oneself." A community of faith that embraces each other as "active creators" is the community of Jesus' disciples.

[Sermon Note]

Title: "Are You a Disciple of Jesus?" (4) (Discipleship) Text: John 1:36-39

10 Expectation: waiting for God's transformative love to happen in surprising ways.
20 Focus: being open to our neighbors and the world with complete equanimity and balance.
30 Transformation: transforming ourselves, our neighbors, and our surroundings with lives that reflect God's love.

Bible text

(John 1:36-39) "「36」 When John saw Jesus passing by, he said to him, "Behold, the Lamb of God."「37」 When the two disciples heard what John was saying, they followed him.「38」 When Jesus turned around and saw that they were following him, he asked them, "What are you looking for? "What are you looking for?" They said to him, "Rabbi, where are you staying?"「39] He answered them, "Come and see." They followed him. "Come and see." They followed him, saw where he was staying, and spent the rest of the day with him. It was about four o'clock in the afternoon."

[Sermon manuscript]


Good morning, everyone. How have you been doing this week?

-What people/things are you grateful for, what has been beneficial, what encounters/people/things have made you happy, what has been rewarding?

- I was sick and laid up for a few days, but my family took good care of me and I am thankful to be well enough to serve the ranch meeting and prepare for the week ahead.

1. [Last week's review].

- What does it mean to be a disciple?

11. A disciple is a follower.

- In John 1, two men follow Jesus (v. 37) - A disciple is a follower. A disciple of Jesus follows Jesus -- a disciple of the world follows the world, follows the dominant values of the world.

- To "follow" is, in fact, not in our nature.

-- (Isaiah 53:6, ESV) "We have all gone astray like sheep, we have all gone astray, we have all gone our separate ways, but the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all."

-- (Judg. 17:6, ESV) "In those days there was no king in Israel; every man did as seemed right in his own eyes."

(Jdg 17:6, NIV11) "In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit." "In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit."

(Jdg 17:6, ESV) "In those days there was no king in Israel; Everyone did what was right in his own eyes."(Jdg 17:6, MSG) "In those days there was no king in Israel; People did whatever they felt like doing."

11-1. A disciple is a self-denier.

- (Mk 8:34, NIV) "Then Jesus called the crowd together with his disciples and said to them. "If anyone wants to come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.""

(Mk 8:34, NIV11) "Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me."(Mk 8:34, MSG) "Calling the crowd to join his disciples, he said, "Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You're not in the driver's seat; I am. Don't run from suffering; embrace it. Follow me and I'll show you how."

12. Disciples are the chosen ones.

- Fundamentally, being a disciple is a choice of the Master:- A disciple of Jesus is one chosen by Jesus. They are the ones he calls, invites, and so they continue to follow him.

- In John 1:39, Jesus says, "Come and see."

-- (Mark 3:13-14, NIV) "13 "Then Jesus went up on the mountain, and called those whom he wanted, and they came to him."14 "And he appointed the twelve [he also called them apostles], and he kept them with him, and sent them out to preach the word."

(Mk 3:13-14, NIV11) "「13」 Jesus went up on a mountainside and called to him those he wanted, and they came to him.「14」 He appointed twelve* that they might be with him and that he might send them out to preach"

(Mk 3:13-14, MSG) "「13」 He climbed a mountain and invited those he wanted with him. They climbed together.「14」 He settled on twelve, and designated them apostles. The plan was that they would be with him, and he would send them out to proclaim the Word"

-- "Being chosen" is also something that does not sit well with our nature.

- This is an age of choice. : "I choose, I buy, I like." But being chosen is a look that doesn't fit well with our life style.

- A week ago, there was a wedding at our church. Those who attended said it was very nice, and of course I know it was a gracious and happy occasion for the two people who got married.

-- Friends, marriage is not a contract, it is a covenant.-- What I mean by this is that marriage is not only a place where two people commit to each other and vow to keep their promises, but it is also a place where two people become one and enter into a covenant with God.-- The God of the covenant is the one who calls, keeps, shows his face, and blesses his people.

- Jesus calls his disciples to be with him, so that they may imitate his ministry and his character.

13. A disciple is someone who belongs to Jesus' group.

- To be a disciple of Jesus means to accept and belong to his company.

- The purpose of following Jesus is to be in the same place with him, so a disciple goes where Jesus goes. They are those who meet the people Jesus meets with the attitude that Jesus does.

-Remember what we said about the Eucharist. The Eucharist is an affirmation that we are all guests of Jesus. We should welcome one another, treating each other as Jesus' guests.

-- However, many people often misunderstand what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. They try to make Jesus belong to their group because of their self-centered nature.

13-1 [The People Jesus Sought and Kept].

"Jesus chooses a crowd of marginalized people, despised people, unhappy people, self-loathing people, poor people, and sick people, so that his disciples will belong to that crowd."

- Jesus' disciples are those who accept that they have been chosen for Jesus' flock.

- Who is "Jesus' crowd" in our time? - If we were to use the term "Jesus' crowd," it would be "VIPs. May our church be a church that saves and makes disciples of Jesus' VIPs.

20. [Last Sunday]

[Focus] maintaining perfect equanimity and balance to be open to our neighbors and the world

- A disciple of Jesus is focused, expectant, and waiting. Abiding in the Word of God; and belonging to the community of the Church, the body of the Lord Jesus Christ, "welcoming and being welcomed," so that we build each other up and make each other live.

- Don't be a deminisher, be an illuminator. "That person made me feel like the best person I can be!"

- Abide in the Lord. Let His word abide in you. Abide in His love. To abide in His love, consistently participate in a "community of love".

- And when you go out into the world, expect to meet "the Lord's VIPs," and when you do, fellowship with them with the heart of the Lord. Then, even in the midst of your life, you will taste the eternal love, fellowship, and oneness of the Triune God.

- The ranch is a house church. The ranch is the campus church. The ranch is a place to go and seek out and meet "the Lord's people.

30. transformation: transforming ourselves, our neighbors, and our surroundings with lives that reflect God's love.

- It is God's will that the deeds of Christ be done through the disciples, just as the deeds of the Father are done through the Son, Jesus.

- The life of a disciple is a reflection of God's love.

- When a disciple follows Jesus' call and focuses expectantly on God and others, "God-shaped change" occurs. This means having an attitude of life that allows [something significant] to happen in your life, your neighborhood, and your environment.

- In other words, something irresistible happens in your awareness when you allow God's Purpose to blossom and bring about the kind of change that only God can accomplish.

31. A disciple is a learner.

- This is ultimately a question of what a disciple learns. A disciple is one who learns how God works through the life of Jesus. A disciple is one who is trained by first being with those who are called to be his disciples, and then by seeing and training them in the evident characteristics of God's work in their lives.

What are you learning through your faith walk?

- That God is at work in the world, demonstrating His work and action. God works directly, which is called "God's mission." God also works through His disciples. This is called the "mission of God's people." Jesus' followers live lives that reveal God's actions through their being and doing.

32. The life of a disciple

- The following is from a senior in the faith, Teresa of Avila (1515-1582). "It is quite ordinary what happens when we finally make 'progress' (transformation) through all the mystical experiences that make our hair stand on end. It is that our hearts are filled with an eternal love that makes us do the small, ordinary things in our lives a little better."

- Life transformation must begin with the small things: the everyday.

32-1. Waco, Texas

- In a small town called Waco, Texas, a reporter asked the question, "Who do people in this town trust the most?" and they said, "LaRue Dorsey, a 93-year-old black woman."

So the reporter meets Dorsey in a small diner.

-- Dorsey was a teacher, she says, and she lived in Waco all her life, and she introduces herself with a stern look on her face, saying, "I was able to discipline the kids so strictly because I loved them so much." Her first impression is of a stern face.

-- and then suddenly, a white man in his 60s named Jimmy, with a teddy-bear style, greets Dorsey.

- Jimmy sees Dorsey, smiles broadly -- the biggest smile a human face could possibly have, to be precise -- and walks over, wraps his arms around Dorsey's shoulders, hugs her tightly with both hands, presses his face close to hers, and says as loudly as he can, as if he's about to leave the place.

"Dorsey, Dorsey, you're the best, you're the best, you're the best, I love you, I love you!"

- At that moment, in the eyes of the reporter, "I had never before seen a person change so suddenly in appearance. The stern, stern face that had seemed to me so hard and stern suddenly disappeared, and the face of a delightfully cheerful 93-year-old girl appeared. "

32-2. Recognize your own beauty and strength

"He who never has the opportunity to see his own beauty and strength reflected in the hearts of others will never fully recognize the beauty and strength within himself."

"If we view others generously, we will be generous; if we view them coldly, we will be cold."

32-3. See Others as Creators

- "Life is not a process of finding yourself. It is a process of self-creation." See others as creators, and you will live a life of getting to know the Creator as His chosen people.

- "I want to accept you as an active creator" (and I appeal to you to see me as such).

BD-3 "Are You a Disciple of Jesus?" (3)

[Sermon Notes]

Title: "Are You a Disciple of Jesus?" (3) (Discipleship)
Text: John 15:4-9

10 Expectation: waiting for God's transformative love to happen in surprising ways.
20 Focus: maintaining perfect equanimity and balance to be open to our neighbors and the world.
30 Transformation: transforming ourselves, our neighbors, and our surroundings with lives that reflect God's love.

Scripture Texts

(John 15:4-9) "4 "Remain in me," he said, "and I in you, and you in me. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit on its own unless it remains attached to the vine, so you cannot bear fruit unless you remain in me.「5」 I am the vine, you are the branches. If a man remains in me, and I in him, he bears much fruit, for I remain in him. Apart from me you can do nothing.6 "If a man does not remain in me, he is thrown out like a useless branch and dries up. If you remain in Me, and My words remain in you, whatever you ask for, it will be done for you.7 "If you remain in Me, and My words remain in you, it will be done for you.8 "If you bear much fruit and remain My disciples, My Father will be glorified by this.9 "As the Father has loved Me, so I have loved you. Remain in my love."

[Sermon manuscript]


Good morning, everyone. How's your week been going?

- Yesterday there was a wedding at the church. First, I would like to congratulate the couple on their marriage and thank our church family for being there.

1. [Last week's review]

- People cannot change people because they do not look deeply into themselves or others and do not know them.

- Only God knows what is in a person's heart, and Jesus knows us and puts in us what we need.

- Therefore, God puts God's Word, love, and Holy Spirit into the believer.

- The disciple is to grow in community, believing that his or her life is rooted in the transformative love of God.

- The disciple lives in expectation and waiting for God's transforming love to happen in surprising ways.

20. [Focus] Maintain complete equanimity and balance to be open to neighbor and the world.

- A disciple is to have the characteristics of a birdwatcher: a birdwatcher is focused with equanimity and balance.

21. What is concentration?

"Focus is an attitude of expectancy plus active, transformative love, willingness to work so that new relationships (acts) arise that go beyond the limits of the fellowship."

- If a disciple has focus, there must be an expectation of the Lord, expecting Him to show His transformative love in their lives and in their neighbors.

22. [abide in me].

- The disciple must remain in the presence of the Lord. (John 15:4)

- There are times when the Holy Spirit in a believer will often work in their heart to give them "alone time".

- When this happens, I encourage you to practice going to the Lord and spending time with Him in a place where you can be alone, laying down everything that might interfere with that time.

- There is no other way to have the kind of focus that the Lord wants you to have without taking time each day to be alone with Him.

- You can't be a full-fledged disciple of the Lord without being a birdwatcher, watching for the Lord and waiting for the Lord. In other words, you can be good at church, but you can't be a disciple of the Lord.

23. [Let us take the trouble to assemble]

- Concentration should be based on continuing fellowship. We must gather consistently with expectation.

23-1.We have weekly House Church meetings. A mokjang is not just a small group or flock group. A mokjang is a house church. A mokjang is a church that meets weekly with a lay minister in charge.

- But in this day and age, many churches struggle to meet together.

- As we were preparing for this classic performance of True Worshipers 12, we reached out to pastors in the area about this ministry, but not many churches were willing to invite us.

- We ended up having TW12 perform at our mokjang and Nashua One Heart Church. Both our church and Nashua Oneness Church have house church ministries, so it wasn't difficult for them to meet on Fridays, especially since there are many mokjanges that have mokjang meetings on Fridays.

- (Heb 10:25) "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as you see the Day approaching."

(Heb 10:25) "not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another - and all the more as you see the Day approaching."

- Now that summer vacation begins in May, and many of our church members will be traveling, we are going to set aside a special period from May through the end of August to continue to meet together as a "mokjang." 24.

24. [The core of House Chiurch]

It is important for the mokjang to gather every week, and the core of the mokjang is "the presence of God." It is the place where our lives are transformed through gratitude, prayer, and the community of God's love.

24-1. [Miracles must happen].

- Focus is a commitment to "a new relationship or behavior that goes beyond limits".

- God is not a dead God, but a living God, and He loves us, but He is indeed wiser than we are.

And so, He allows our lives to reach "limits".

- Whenever we encounter limits, we are surprised and afraid. We may think that this is natural for us.

- However, God's Word, the Bible, does not say "do not be afraid" or "do not be dismayed". Instead, God's Word, the Bible, says, "Do not be afraid" and "do not be alarmed." [Thursday QT Message

24-2. [Thursday QT Word]

[Psalm] The LORD said to my Lord, "Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool." Psalm 110:1

These words were spoken by God the Father to his Son, our Lord Jesus. It is also spoken to me, who have become a child of God in Jesus. It is like saying, "Be still, and know that I am God, and I will be exalted among the nations and among the world" (46:10).

To the Israelites who were in dire straits, sandwiched between the 1,200-meter-deep Red Sea in front of them and Pharaoh's mighty chariot army behind them, "Moses said to the people, 'Do not be afraid, but stand still and see the salvation that the LORD is doing for you this day; you shall never see the Egyptians whom you have seen today again, nor for ever; the LORD will fight for you; stand still!" (Exodus 14:13,14).

And to Jehoshaphat, who was surrounded on all sides by the enemy's allied armies and in crisis, God said, "Do not be afraid or dismayed by this great multitude. For this battle does not belong to you, but to God: for there is nothing in this battle for you to fight: stand in your ranks, and see that the LORD who is with you delivers" (2 Chron. 20:15,17).

God says the same thing to his people who rely on him throughout the ages: "Stand still and see the salvation of God."

We must learn to rest in all circumstances and to remain calm in the midst of storms. It is given only when we live by faith.

24-3 [Saturday QT message].

* It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man; and to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in counselors. The nations have surrounded me; I will cut them off in the name of the LORD. Psalm 118:8-10

We naturally turn to those in power, those in authority, to get things done. But people are not to be relied on, but served. That way, there will be fewer hurts and fewer disappointments. It is wisdom to rely on God. I must entrust my path to God. In God alone is my security. Fleeing to God is the safest thing you can do. Stay in your comfort zone.

David the shepherd boldly shouted at Goliath the Philistine.

"You come to me with sword, spear, and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts. For the battle belongs to the LORD, and he will deliver you into our hand" (1 Sam. 17:45-47).

The secret of victory is not in human power or superior weapons. Warfare belongs to God. If I fight, I do it in my own strength and power, but if I rely on God, He fights for me, so I don't have to be afraid of any threat at every moment. Because I recognize that God is with me, and I rely on Him. David ran toward Goliath, trusting in the name of God, and threw the sling in his hand at his forehead, as he usually did with lions and bears.

You must be bold and not afraid. We must trust that God is with us. With courage, faith, and prayer, God will work. My God gives such a person 'always' the victory (2 Corinthians 14:9).

25. [Counsel: Be mature enough to maintain full composure and balance].

- (Prov. 4:22-27) "[22] These words (wisdom) are life to the one who finds them, and they give health to his whole body.

"23] Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the very source of life.

"24" Put away perverse words from your mouth, and keep deceitful speech from your lips.

"25" Let your eyes look straight ahead, your gaze straight ahead.

"26" Watch where you tread. All your paths will be safe.

"27 "Do not turn aside to the left or to the right, but cut off your steps from evil.""

26. [Counsel: Be open to others and to the world].

- Dear Believer, it is never easy to live as a Christian and enter into "the life of someone other than yourself," but there is no other way to live as a disciple.

- I still don't know all that this means.

- But one thing I am learning these days is about "perspective."

26-1. [My perspective broadens]

- This is a sentence from Being Disciples.

"When he entered into the life of someone other than himself, his perspective broadened and deepened. He saw others differently than he had before, and he saw himself differently. Finally, he became truly human. He felt greater compassion and saw the world with greater wisdom. This is the effect of the act of looking deeply at another person."

27. [Be someone you want to talk to].

- May you be a person who lifts up others through your words, service, and time together, in the name of the Lord.

27-1. [Diminisher vs. Illuminator / Diminisher vs Illunimator]

- Be the person who says, "I want to be a better person."

As we build relationships, we learn that there are two kinds of lives.

-- Diminisher vs. Illuminate / Diminisher vs Illunimator

- A person who believes in their own abilities and tries to solve every problem on their own is a Diminisher, and they make others feel insignificant. In other words, a Diminisher sees others as objects to be used, not as people to befriend.

- Illuminators, on the other hand, are constantly interested in other people. These are people who have been trained or have developed the skill of understanding others. They know what to look for in others and how and when to ask them questions.

- They shine the light of their attention on others, making them feel bigger, deeper, and more respected than they are.

27-2. [Have you ever had that experience?]

- A quote from "To Know Is to Be Known"

- "The author of a biography of the novelist E. M. Forster wrote, "To talk to Mr. Forster was to be captivated by an 'inverse charisma,' an inverted charisma. I felt like I was the most honest, sharpest, best version of myself because he was so focused on my words."

-- Imagine how great it would be if someone was listening to you.

- "Jennie Jerome before she gave birth to Winston Churchill The story of Jennie Jerome is also famous. As a young woman, Jennie was at dinner with British politician William Gladstone and thought he was the smartest man in England.

But after having dinner with Gladstone's rival, Benjamin Disraeli, she realized that she was the smartest person in England. It's good to be like Gladstone, but it's even better to be like Disraeli."

27-3 [Welcoming and welcoming]

- Be welcomed first, and then be the one who welcomes others.

- Be blessed first, and then be a blessing to others.

- Abide in the Lord first, and then abide in the Lord together in community with others.

- Be the kind of person you want to talk to.

- To do this, practice talking (praying) with God first and then with people.

- First, listen for good questions, and then practice asking good questions.

- The Bible continually asks us good questions. Spend time in God's Word each day.

- So that you can ask good questions of your neighbors and the world, creating deep connection, healing, and growth.

- May we be a WorshipFrontier community that looks deeply into others, one person at a time.

BD-2 "Are You a Disciple of Jesus?" (2)

[Sermon Summary]

Jesus was really good at reading other people's minds! If you're a disciple of Jesus, it's important to remember that you can learn to read other people's minds just like Jesus did!

We can't change ourselves or others, but we can try our best to understand each other. We can try to understand others better and be there for them in their experiences.

We all want others to look us in the face with love and respect. When someone looks at you with love and respect, they are accepting you for who you are, and that makes you feel like you matter.

Jesus knew his disciples so well that he could speak to them in words of truth about their problems. And God gave the Holy Spirit to the group of believers! God proved his love for us in that while we were still sinners, he gave his own Son, Jesus Christ, as a sacrifice for our salvation.

For a believer to live as a disciple of Jesus means to be rooted and nourished in the love of Jesus Christ. The believer grows with the growth of the community and grows into a life of speaking truth in love.

It is my heartfelt prayer for each and every believer in WorshipFrontier to become a disciple of Jesus. I truly believe that when we do this, we will be able to look deeply into others, see ourselves, and experience the renewal of God's love for us all. And may we demonstrate by our lives that the love of our God is not just a feeling, not just a slogan, but a transformative love.

[Sermon Notes]

Title: "Are You a Disciple of Jesus?" (2) (Discipleship)
Text: John 15:4-9

10 Expectation: waiting for God's transformative love to happen in surprising ways.
20 Focus: maintaining perfect equanimity and balance to be open to our neighbors and the world.
30 Transformation: transforming ourselves, our neighbors, and our surroundings with lives that reflect God's love.

Scripture Texts

(John 15:4-9) "4 "Remain in me," he said, "and I in you, and you in me. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit on its own unless it remains attached to the vine, so you cannot bear fruit unless you remain in me.「5」 I am the vine, you are the branches. If a man remains in me, and I in him, he bears much fruit, for I remain in him. Apart from me you can do nothing.6 "If a man does not remain in me, he is thrown out like a useless branch and dries up. If you remain in Me, and My words remain in you, whatever you ask for, it will be done for you.7 "If you remain in Me, and My words remain in you, it will be done for you.8 "If you bear much fruit and remain My disciples, My Father will be glorified by this.9 "As the Father has loved Me, so I have loved you. Remain in my love."

[Sermon manuscript]

0. [Greeting]

Good afternoon, everyone. What are you thankful for this week?

1. [Last week's review].

Since last week, we have been hearing from God about "discipleship" or "discipleship".

A disciple is a learner. (A disciple learns from a teacher.) The attitude of a disciple is one of interest, focus, and expectation. (A disciple has a birdwatcher's attitude.) The expectation is of the teacher himself. (Abide in me, if my words abide in you., abide in my love - follow the teacher wholeheartedly with a wonderful expectation of the teacher.)

This is what discipleship looks like.

[Question] So, believers in this room, are you disciples of Jesus?

- "What is it that Christ is trying to give me through this person or this gathering?"
-"What is it that Jesus Christ is truly giving me here and now?"

10. Expectation: "Waiting for God's transformative love to happen in surprising ways."

Today is the second part of our study on discipleship. Let's think more deeply about it together.Read the subheading topic sentences with "disciple" or "believer" in the subject position.

"A disciple waits for God's transforming love to happen in surprising ways." "A believer waits in expectation for God's transforming love to be shown in abundance."

*In whom is it manifested? To yourself, to your neighbor, to your surroundings...

11. A disciple is someone who expects God's transformative love.

- Today's text is from the Apostle John.

- The Apostle John often uses the expression that there is a door in a person's heart. John says, "For a person to believe in someone is for a person to open the door of his heart to receive the other person." So the word Abide in John 15 means that a person has opened his heart to be with the Lord, and his heart is full of the Lord's word and the Lord's love.

- When a believer's heart is filled with the Lord's word and the Lord's love, that person is sure to be transformed.

This is the transforming love of God, but our reality is that we don't easily experience that transformation. Why?

12. How is a person changed?

The first thing we need to look at is how people are changed. People can't fundamentally change others or themselves. People can't change people because people don't have the ability to truly look at others (themselves) and they're not very good at reading other people's minds.

13. the ability to truly look at others!

You can ask yourself this question. "How good are you at reading other people's minds?"

- William Ickes notes that only about 20% of the time do we accurately read the other person in a conversation between strangers. Even with close friends and family, he found that it's only 35% of the time.

14. [empathic accuracy / empathic accuracy]

Empathic accuracy is a measure of how good you are at reading other people's minds on a scale of 0 to 100.

- In the study, there was one person who scored a 0 empathic accuracy, meaning they had just met and talked to someone for the first time and didn't know what the person they were talking to was actually thinking - and another who scored a 55.

- Most interesting of all, the longer couples have been married, the less accurate they are at reading each other's minds. (The reason: they tend not to change their initial judgments of their spouse, so they become increasingly ignorant of what's going on in the other person's mind.)

15. [Our experience].

How many times have you felt like the other person wasn't really listening to you or was treating you like an invisible person?

- And conversely, can you say with certainty that you don't do that to others?

16. [Know someone exactly].

It's impossible to know someone exactly.

Psychotherapist Mary Piper once said, "Even the most brilliant writers and thinkers have no idea how people think and behave, and that's why it's the most important thing in the world to try to truly understand other people, to experience what they experience."

We can't claim to know everyone; we can only strive to understand each other, to be with each other, to share experiences, and to encourage each other.

16-1. [The ability to understand what another person is going through].

- We all long for others to look us in the face with love and respect, to accept us as we are, and to have the experience of someone looking deeply into our hearts and making us feel that we are important.

But these experiences and fulfillment are not easy to come by.

In fact, it has been said that when we make someone feel that someone is looking deeply at them, not only does it make them feel valued, but it is also the ultimate gift to us, the giver of that gaze (because we have seen a reflection of ourselves in that person's eyes that makes them come alive again).

- Have you ever experienced the satisfaction of feeling that another person looks at you and understands you?

17. [What is God like? What is Jesus like?]

God is different from humans. God looks different from me and you.

Through the person of Jesus, we get to know God's character, heart, and power. Jesus knows what's in people's hearts. God sees to the center of people's hearts.

Jesus performs his first miracle in John 2. When the wedding party runs out of wine, Jesus takes water and makes wine, and he performs many other miracles.

17-1.Read John 2:23-25.

(John 2:23-25) [23] [23] While Jesus was in Jerusalem at the Passover, many people saw the signs he was doing and believed in his name.[24] But Jesus knew everyone, so he did not entrust himself to them,[25] because he did not need anyone's testimony about anyone. He knew even what was in people's hearts.

- Jesus knew what was in the hearts of men. Jesus knows what is in my heart and yours.

17-2. Read 1 Samuel 16:7.

(1 Sam 16:7) But the LORD said to Samuel. "You must not look only at his compliant appearance and his great stature; he is not the man I have set up. I do not judge as man judges. For man judges according to the outward appearance, but I look at the heart."

- Man judges according to the outward appearance, but God sees the heart of a person.

17-3. Let's look at Luke 9:46-48.

(Luke 9:46-48) [46] A dispute arose among the disciples about who was the greatest among them. [47] Jesus, knowing the thoughts in their hearts, took a child, set him beside him, [48] and said to them, "Whoever takes this child in my name will be the greatest among them. "Whoever receives this child in my name receives me, and whoever receives me receives him, and whoever receives him receives the one who sent me. Whoever is least among you is the greatest."

- Jesus knew his disciples' hearts and spoke the words of truth they needed.

18. Let's look at Acts 15:8.

Now, since God knows the inward parts of men's hearts, what will he give them?

(Acts 15:8) And God, who knows the hearts of men, gave them the Holy Spirit, just as he has given us, to recognize them.

- God, who knows the hearts of men, gives us the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God, Himself.

18-1 [The One Who Knows the Believer Exactly]

Jesus is the one who knows me and you exactly. He is the one who knows what is in my heart and in yours. And it is Jesus who knows and can give me and you what you need most and what is important to you.And it is Jesus who has an amazing plan and love for believers.

That's why He gives His disciples the Holy Spirit.

18-2 [Only Jesus can change a believer].

Jesus is the one who puts his word into us. Jesus is the one who gives the Holy Spirit to believers.

He puts God's amazing love into us so that we can live a new life in that love.

-The believer is rooted and grounded in God's love, nourished by spiritual food from God's Word, and comes to know the heart of God the Father through the Holy Spirit. (Growing in love, Word, and Spirit.)

(Eph. 3:17-19) [17] May Christ dwell in your hearts through faith. May you be rooted and grounded in love,[18] so that you, together with all the saints, may be able to comprehend what is the breadth and length and height and depth of Christ's love,[19] and to know what is the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

(Romans 5:8) But while we were still sinners, Christ died for us; in this way God demonstrates His own love for us.

Therefore, my friends, expect God's transformative love to be manifested in your lives.

18-3. [Through Community]

The believer also grows up through the community of the church, the body of Christ, into him who is the head, Jesus Christ.

(Eph. 4:15-16) [15] We are to speak and live the truth in love, growing up in every way into him, until we reach him as the head.[16] The whole body belongs to Christ, who is the head, and is joined and knit together by every part of it. As each member does its part, the body grows and builds itself up in love.

Blessings to you as love grows and truth grows through the church community of the Watchfront, through your house church, the Ranch.

19. [Let me see, let me know]

God, let me see myself, let me know myself.

Let me see my neighbor, and let me know my neighbor.

Let me see God, let me know God

BD-2 (Kor + Eng) "Are You a Disciple of Jesus?" (2)

[설교요약] [Sermon Summary]

*설교요약문을 목장모임에서 읽어주시기 바랍니다.

예수님은 다른 사람들의 마음을 읽어내는 일을 잘 하셨습니다. 신자가 예수님의 제자로 살아간다면, 예수님처럼 다른 사람의 마음을 잘 읽어내는 삶을 훈련해야 합니다.

사람은 자기 자신이나 다른 사람을 변화시킬 수 없습니다. 단지, 사람은 다른 사람을 진정으로 이해하려고 애쓰고 그들의 경험을 함께 하는 존재로 옆에 있어야 합니다.

사람은 누구나 다른 사람이 사랑과 존중의 마음을 담아서 자기 얼굴을 봐라봐 주기를 원합니다. 누군가가 사랑과 존중의 마음을 담아서 자신을 바라봐 주는 것은, 자신을 있는 모습 그대로 받아들여주는 것입니다. 이 때 사람은 자기가 소중한 존재라고 느끼게 됩니다.

예수님은 제자들의 마음 속을 아시고, 그들의 문제에 대한 진리의 말씀을 주셨습니다. 하나님은 믿는 무리들에게 성령을 주셨습니다. 하나님은 우리가 아직 죄인이었을 때에 자기 아들 예수 그리스도를 우리의 구원의 제물로 주시어서 우리에 대한 자기의 사랑을 증명하셨습니다.

신자가 예수님의 제자로 산다는 것은 예수그리스도의 사랑에 뿌리를 내리고 자란다는 것을 뜻합니다. 신자는 공동체의 성장과 함께 성장하며 사랑으로 진리를 말하는 삶으로 성장하게 됩니다.

워십프론티어 신자들 모두가 예수님의 제자가 되어, 다른 사람을 진정으로 깊이 들여다 볼 수 있기를 축원합니다. 그리하여 예수님의 마음으로 자신을 들여다보고, 다른 사람들을 들여다보고, 우리 모두가 하나님의 사랑안에서 새롭게 변화되는 경험을 하기를 간절히 바랍니다. 그리하여 우리 하나님의 사랑은 단순한 감정이 아니라 말로만 외치는 구호가 아니라 변혁적인 사랑인 것을 삶으로 나타내기를 바랍니다.

Jesus was really good at reading other people's minds! If you're a disciple of Jesus, it's important to remember that you can learn to read other people's minds just like Jesus did!

We can't change ourselves or others, but we can try our best to understand each other. We can try to understand others better and be there for them in their experiences.

We all want others to look us in the face with love and respect. When someone looks at you with love and respect, they are accepting you for who you are, and that makes you feel like you matter.

Jesus knew his disciples so well that he could speak to them in words of truth about their problems. And God gave the Holy Spirit to the group of believers! God proved his love for us in that while we were still sinners, he gave his own Son, Jesus Christ, as a sacrifice for our salvation.

For a believer to live as a disciple of Jesus means to be rooted and nourished in the love of Jesus Christ. The believer grows with the growth of the community and grows into a life of speaking truth in love.

It is my heartfelt prayer for each and every believer in WorshipFrontier to become a disciple of Jesus. I truly believe that when we do this, we will be able to look deeply into others, see ourselves, and experience the renewal of God's love for us all. And may we demonstrate by our lives that the love of our God is not just a feeling, not just a slogan, but a transformative love.

[설교노트] [Sermon Notes]

제목:  "예수님의 제자입니까?" (2) (제자도)
본문: 요한복음 15:4-9

10 기대: 하나님의 변혁적인 사랑이 놀랍게 발생하길 기다린다.
20 집중: 온전한 평정과 균형을 유지하여 이웃과 세상에 열린 자세를 갖는다.
30 변혁: 하나님의 사랑을 담아내는 삶으로 자신과 이웃과 주위환경을 변화시킨다.

성경 본문

(요 15:4-9) “「4」 내 안에 머물러 있어라. 그리하면 나도 너희 안에 머물러 있겠다. 가지가 포도나무에 붙어 있지 아니하면 스스로 열매를 맺을 수 없는 것과 같이, 너희도 내 안에 머물러 있지 아니하면 열매를 맺을 수 없다.
「5」 나는 포도나무요, 너희는 가지이다. 사람이 내 안에 머물러 있고, 내가 그 안에 머물러 있으면, 그는 많은 열매를 맺는다. 너희는 나를 떠나서는 아무것도 할 수 없다.
「6」 사람이 내 안에 머물러 있지 아니하면, 그는 쓸모 없는 가지처럼 버림을 받아서 말라 버린다. 사람들이 그것을 모아다가, 불에 던져서 태워 버린다.
「7」 너희가 내 안에 머물러 있고,
내 말이 너희 안에 머물러 있으면, 너희가 무엇을 구하든지 다 그대로 이루어질 것이다.
「8」 너희가 열매를 많이 맺어서 내 제자가 되면, 이것으로 내 아버지께서 영광을 받으실 것이다.
「9」 아버지께서 나를 사랑하신 것과 같이, 나도 너희를 사랑하였다.
너희는 내 사랑 안에 머물러 있어라.

[Sermon Notes]

Title: "Are You a Disciple of Jesus?" (2) (Discipleship)
Text: John 15:4-9

10 Expectation: waiting for God's transformative love to happen in surprising ways.
20 Focus: maintaining perfect equanimity and balance to be open to our neighbors and the world.
30 Transformation: transforming ourselves, our neighbors, and our surroundings with lives that reflect God's love.

Scripture Texts

(John 15:4-9) "4 "Remain in me," he said, "and I in you, and you in me. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit on its own unless it remains attached to the vine, so you cannot bear fruit unless you remain in me.「5」 I am the vine, you are the branches. If a man remains in me, and I in him, he bears much fruit, for I remain in him. Apart from me you can do nothing.6 "If a man does not remain in me, he is thrown out like a useless branch and dries up. If you remain in Me, and My words remain in you, whatever you ask for, it will be done for you.7 "If you remain in Me, and My words remain in you, it will be done for you.8 "If you bear much fruit and remain My disciples, My Father will be glorified by this.9 "As the Father has loved Me, so I have loved you. Remain in my love."

[설교 원고] [Sermon manuscript]

0. [인사] 여러분 반갑습니다. 한 주간 감사한 것은 무엇입니까?

0. [Greeting]

Good afternoon, everyone. What are you thankful for this week?

1. [지난 주 리뷰]  

지난 주 부터, "제자"  또는 "제자도"에 대해서 하나님의 말씀을 듣고 있습니다.

제자는 배우는 자입니다. (제자는 스승에게서 배우는 자입니다.)
제자의 태도는 관심을 가지고 집중하며 기대하는 것입니다. (제자는 birdwatcher’s attitude를 갖게 됩니다) 
제자가 기대하는 것은 스승 자신입니다. (내 안에 거하라, 내 말이 너희 안에 거하면., 내 사랑안에 거하라 - 스승에 대한 놀라운 기대감을 가지고 스승을 전심으로 따라가게 됩니다)

이러한 모습이 제자도 입니다. 

[질문] 그렇다면 이 자리에 있는 신자 여러분, 여러분은 예수님의 제자입니까?

- "그리스도께서 이 사람이나 모임을 통해 나에게 주시려는 것이 무엇입니까?"
- "진정으로 예수 그리스도께서 지금 이곳에서 나에게 주시는 것이 무엇입니까?"

1. [Last week's review].

Since last week, we have been hearing from God about "discipleship" or "discipleship".

A disciple is a learner. (A disciple learns from a teacher.)
The attitude of a disciple is one of interest, focus, and expectation. (A disciple has a birdwatcher's attitude.)
The expectation is of the teacher himself. (Abide in me, if my words abide in you., abide in my love - follow the teacher wholeheartedly with a wonderful expectation of the teacher.)

This is what discipleship looks like.

[Question] So, believers in this room, are you disciples of Jesus?

- "What is it that Christ is trying to give me through this person or this gathering?"
-"What is it that Jesus Christ is truly giving me here and now?"

10. 기대: “
하나님의 변혁적인 사랑이 놀랍게 발생하길 기다린다.”

오늘은 제자도에 대한 두번째 시간입니다. 우리 함께 좀더 깊이 생각해 봅시다.
소제목 주제문장의 주어자리에 "제자" 또는 "신자"를 넣어서 읽어보겠습니다.

"제자는 하나님의 변혁적인 사랑이 놀랍게 발생하길 기다립니다."
”신자는 하나님의 변혁적인 사랑이 풍성하게 나타나기를 기대하며 기다립니다.”

*누구에게 나타납니까? 자신에게, 이웃에게, 주위 환경에 …

10. Expectation: "Waiting for God's transformative love to happen in surprising ways."

Today is the second part of our study on discipleship. Let's think more deeply about it together.Read the subheading topic sentences with "disciple" or "believer" in the subject position.

"A disciple waits for God's transforming love to happen in surprising ways." "A believer waits in expectation for God's transforming love to be shown in abundance."

*In whom is it manifested? To yourself, to your neighbor, to your surroundings...

11. 제자는 하나님의 변혁적 사랑을 기대하는 사람입니다.

- 오늘 본문은 사도요한의 말씀입니다.

- 사도 요한은 사람의 마음에 문이 있다는 표현을 종종합니다. 요한은 “사람이 누군가를 믿는다는 것’은 곧 ‘사람이 자신의 마음의 문을 열어 상대방을 영접하는 것이다’라고 표현합니다.  그래서 요한복음 15장의 Abide라는 말은 사람이 마음을 열어 주님과 함께 있다는 뜻이며, 그 마음안에 주님의 말씀과 주님의 사랑이 가득하다는 뜻입니다. 

 - 신자의 마음에 주님의 말씀이 있고 주님의 사랑이 가득하면, 그 사람은 반드시 변화하게 됩니다. 이것이 바로 하나님의 변혁적인 사랑입니다.

그러나 우리의 현실은 그 변화를 쉽게 경험하지 못합니다. 왜 그럴까요?

11. A disciple is someone who expects God's transformative love.

- Today's text is from the Apostle John.

- The Apostle John often uses the expression that there is a door in a person's heart. John says, "For a person to believe in someone is for a person to open the door of his heart to receive the other person." So the word Abide in John 15 means that a person has opened his heart to be with the Lord, and his heart is full of the Lord's word and the Lord's love.

- When a believer's heart is filled with the Lord's word and the Lord's love, that person is sure to be transformed.

This is the transforming love of God, but our reality is that we don't easily experience that transformation. Why?

12. 사람은 어떻게 변화되는가?

먼저 우리가 살펴보아야 하는 것은 사람이 어떻게 변화되는가에 대한 것입니다.
사람은 다른 사람이나 자기  자신을 근본적으로 변화시킬 수 없습니다.
사람은 사람을 변화시킬 수 없습니다.  왜냐하면, 사람은 다른 사람(자기 자신)을 진정으로 바라보는 능력이 없고 다른 사람의 마음을 읽어내는 일을 잘 하지 못하기 때문입니다.

12. How is a person changed?

The first thing we need to look at is how people are changed. People can't fundamentally change others or themselves. People can't change people because people don't have the ability to truly look at others (themselves) and they're not very good at reading other people's minds.

13. 다른 사람을 진정으로 바라보는 능력!

이렇게 질문해 볼 수 있습니다. “ 당신은 다른 사람의 마음을 읽어내는 일을 얼마나 잘하는가?”

- 윌리엄 이크스는, 처음 보는 사람끼리 대화하면서 상대방을 정확하게 읽어내는 경우는 약 20%밖에 되지 않는다라고 언급합니다. 가까운 친구나 가족이더라도 35%에 그친다는 사실을 밝혔습니다.

13. the ability to truly look at others!

You can ask yourself this question. "How good are you at reading other people's minds?"

- William Ickes notes that only about 20% of the time do we accurately read the other person in a conversation between strangers. Even with close friends and family, he found that it's only 35% of the time.

14. [공감 정확도 / EMPATHIC ACCURACY]

공감 정확도는 다른 사람의 마음을 읽어내는 일을 얼마나 잘하고 있는지를 0에서 100까지의 수치로 나타내는 것입니다.

- 이 연구 결과중에, 공감 정확도가 0점인 사람이 있었습니다. 이 사람은 조금전에 처음 만나서 대화를 나눴지만 대화를 나눈 사람이 실제로 무슨 생각을 했는지를 모르는 경우입니다.
- 반대로 55점을 받은 사람도 있었습니다.

- 무엇보다도 흥미로운 사실은, 결혼한 지 오래된 부부일수록 서로의 마음을 읽는 정확도가 떨어진다는 것이다. (그 이유는, 그들은 배우자에게 가졌던 초기의 판단을 바꾸지 않는 경향이 있습니다. 그래서 그들은 상대방의 마음에서 일어나는 일에 점점 무지해진다고 합니다.)

14. [empathic accuracy / empathic accuracy]

Empathic accuracy is a measure of how good you are at reading other people's minds on a scale of 0 to 100.

- In the study, there was one person who scored a 0 empathic accuracy, meaning they had just met and talked to someone for the first time and didn't know what the person they were talking to was actually thinking - and another who scored a 55.

- Most interesting of all, the longer couples have been married, the less accurate they are at reading each other's minds. (The reason: they tend not to change their initial judgments of their spouse, so they become increasingly ignorant of what's going on in the other person's mind.)

15. [우리들의 경험]

혹시, 여러분은 다른 사람이 내 말을 제대로 들어주지 않는다거나 투명 인간 취급을 한다고 느낀 적이 얼마나 많습니까? 

- 그렇다면 반대로, 여러분은 다른 사람에게 그러지 않는다고 장담할 수 있습니까?

15. [Our experience].

How many times have you felt like the other person wasn't really listening to you or was treating you like an invisible person?

- And conversely, can you say with certainty that you don't do that to others?

16. [누군가를 정확히 안다]

누군가를 정확히 안다는 것은 불가능합니다. 

심리 치료사 메리 파이퍼는 "수많은 뛰어난 작가나 사상가도 사람이 어떻게 생각하고 행동하는지 전혀 알지 못한다. 그래서, 다른 사람을 진정으로 이해하려 애쓰고, 그들이 하는 경험을 함께 하는 것이 세상에서 가장 중요한 일이다"라고 말합니다. 

사람은 누군가를 다 안다고 할 수 없습니다. 다만 사람은 서로 이해하고자 애쓰며 서로 함께 있으면서 경험을 나누며 격려하는 삶을 살뿐입니다.

16. [Know someone exactly].

It's impossible to know someone exactly.

Psychotherapist Mary Piper once said, "Even the most brilliant writers and thinkers have no idea how people think and behave, and that's why it's the most important thing in the world to try to truly understand other people, to experience what they experience."

We can't claim to know everyone; we can only strive to understand each other, to be with each other, to share experiences, and to encourage each other.

16-1. [다른 사람이 지금 겪고 있는 것을 이해하는 능력] 

- 사람은 누구나 타인이 사랑과 존중의 마음을 담아서 자기 얼굴을 바라봐주기를, 자기를 있는 그대로 받아들여주기를 갈망합니다. 그리하여 누군가가 자신을 깊이 바라봄으로써 자신이 소중한 존재라고 느끼게 만드는 경험을 원합니다.

그러나 이러한 경험과 만족감을 갖기는 쉽지 않습니다.

실제로, 우리가 다른 사람을 깊이 바라봄으로써 그 사람이 누군가가 자신을 바라보고 있음을 느끼게 하는 것은, 그 사람이 자신을 소중한 존재로 느끼게 만들 뿐만 아니라 그러한 시선을 주는 우리에게도 궁극적인 선물이 된다고 말합니다. (다른 사람을 다시 살게 만드는 자신의 모습을 그 사람의 눈동자에서 보게 되었기 때문입니다.)

- 다른 사람이 나를 바라보고 이해해 준다는 느낌으로 만족감을 가진 경험이 있는가?

16-1. [The ability to understand what another person is going through].

- We all long for others to look us in the face with love and respect, to accept us as we are, and to have the experience of someone looking deeply into our hearts and making us feel that we are important.

But these experiences and fulfillment are not easy to come by.

In fact, it has been said that when we make someone feel that someone is looking deeply at them, not only does it make them feel valued, but it is also the ultimate gift to us, the giver of that gaze (because we have seen a reflection of ourselves in that person's eyes that makes them come alive again).

- Have you ever experienced the satisfaction of feeling that another person looks at you and understands you?

17. [하나님은 어떤 분이십니까? 예수님은 어떤 분이십니까?]

하나님의 모습은 인간과 다릅니다. 하나님의 모습은 저와 여러분의 모습과 다릅니다.

예수님의 모습을 통해 우리는 하나님의 성품과 마음과 능력을 알게 됩니다. 예수님은 사람의 마음 속을 다 아십니다. 하나님도 사람의 중심을 보시는 분입니다.

예수님은 요한복음 2장에서 첫 기적을 나타내십니다. 결혼식장에 꼭 필요한 포도주가 떨어졌을 때, 예수님은 물을 가지고 포도주를 만드시는 기적을 나타내십니다. 그리고 다른 많은 기적들을 나타내십니다. 

17. [What is God like? What is Jesus like?]

God is different from humans. God looks different from me and you.

Through the person of Jesus, we get to know God's character, heart, and power. Jesus knows what's in people's hearts. God sees to the center of people's hearts.

Jesus performs his first miracle in John 2. When the wedding party runs out of wine, Jesus takes water and makes wine, and he performs many other miracles.

17-1.요한복음 2:23-25 을 읽습니다. 

(요 2:23-25) [23] 예수께서 유월절에 예루살렘에 계시는 동안에, 많은 사람이 그가 행하시는 표징을 보고 그 이름을 믿었다.
[24] 그러나 예수께서는 모든 사람을 알고 계시므로, 그들에게 몸을 맡기지 않으셨다.
[25] 그는 사람에 대해서는 어느 누구의 증언도 필요하지 않으셨기 때문이다.
그는 사람의 마음 속에 있는 것까지도 알고 계셨던 것이다.

- 예수님은 사람의 마음속을 아셨습니다. 예수님은 저와 여러분의 마음 속에 있는 것을 알고 계십니다. 

17-1.Read John 2:23-25.

(John 2:23-25) [23] [23] While Jesus was in Jerusalem at the Passover, many people saw the signs he was doing and believed in his name.[24] But Jesus knew everyone, so he did not entrust himself to them,[25] because he did not need anyone's testimony about anyone. He knew even what was in people's hearts.

- Jesus knew what was in the hearts of men. Jesus knows what is in my heart and yours.

17-2. 사무엘 상 16:7을 읽습니다. 

(삼상 16:7) 그러나 주님께서 사무엘에게 이르셨다. "너는 그의 준수한 겉모습과 큰 키만을 보아서는 안 된다. 그는 내가 세운 사람이 아니다. 나는 사람이 판단하는 것처럼 그렇게 판단하지는 않는다. 사람은 겉모습만을 따라 판단하지만, 나 주는 중심을 본다."

- 사람은 겉모습만 보고 판단하지만, 하나님은 사람의 중심을 보시는 분이시라고 합니다.

17-2. Read 1 Samuel 16:7.

(1 Sam 16:7) But the LORD said to Samuel. "You must not look only at his compliant appearance and his great stature; he is not the man I have set up. I do not judge as man judges. For man judges according to the outward appearance, but I look at the heart."

- Man judges according to the outward appearance, but God sees the heart of a person.

17-3. 누가복음 9장 46-48을 보겠습니다.

(눅 9:46-48) [46] 제자들 사이에서는, 자기들 가운데서 누가 가장 큰 사람이냐 하는 문제로 다툼이 일어났다. [47] 예수께서 그들 마음 속의 생각을 아시고, 어린이 하나를 데려다가, 곁에 세우시고, [48] 그들에게 말씀하셨다. "누구든지 내 이름으로 이 어린이를 영접하면 나를 영접하는 것이요, 누구든지 나를 영접하면 나를 보내신 분을 영접하는 것이다. 너희 가운데에서 가장 작은 사람이 큰 사람이다."

- 예수님은 제자들의 마음을 아시고, 그들에게 필요한 진리의 말씀을 하셨습니다.

17-3. Let's look at Luke 9:46-48.

(Luke 9:46-48) [46] A dispute arose among the disciples about who was the greatest among them. [47] Jesus, knowing the thoughts in their hearts, took a child, set him beside him, [48] and said to them, "Whoever takes this child in my name will be the greatest among them. "Whoever receives this child in my name receives me, and whoever receives me receives him, and whoever receives him receives the one who sent me. Whoever is least among you is the greatest."

- Jesus knew his disciples' hearts and spoke the words of truth they needed.

18. 사도행전 15:8을 살펴보겠습니다.

그러면, 하나님은 사람의 속 마음을 아시면서, 과연 무엇을 주실까요?

(행 15:8) 그리고 사람의 마음 속을 아시는 하나님께서는 우리에게 주신 것과 같이 그들에게도 성령을 주셔서, 그들을 인정해 주셨습니다.

- 사람의 마음속을 아시는 하나님은 하나님의 영이신 성령님, 즉 자기 자신을 우리에게 주십니다.

18. Let's look at Acts 15:8.

Now, since God knows the inward parts of men's hearts, what will he give them?

(Acts 15:8) And God, who knows the hearts of men, gave them the Holy Spirit, just as he has given us, to recognize them.

- God, who knows the hearts of men, gives us the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God, Himself.

18-1 [신자를 정확히 알고 계시는 분]

예수님은 저와 여러분을 정확히 알고 계시는 분입니다. 저와 여러분의 마음 속을 다 아시는 분이 예수님 입니다. 그리고 저와 여러분에게 가장 필요하고 중요한 것이 무엇인지를 아시고 주실 수 있는 분이 예수님입니다.
그리고 신자를 향한 놀라운 계획과 사랑을 가지고 계신 분입니다.

그래서 하나님은 제자들에게 성령을 주십니다.

18-1 [The One Who Knows the Believer Exactly]

Jesus is the one who knows me and you exactly. He is the one who knows what is in my heart and in yours. And it is Jesus who knows and can give me and you what you need most and what is important to you.And it is Jesus who has an amazing plan and love for believers.

That's why He gives His disciples the Holy Spirit.

18-2 [예수님만이 신자를 변화시킬 수 있다] 

예수님은 주님의 말씀을 우리에게 넣어주시는 분입니다. 예수님은 신자에게 성령을 주시는 분입니다.

주님은 하나님의 놀라운 사랑을 우리에게 넣어주시어서, 그 사랑안에서 새로운 삶을 살게 하실 것입니다

-신자는 하나님의 사랑속에 뿌리를 내리고, 하나님의 말씀으로 영적인 양식을 삼아 배부르게 되고, 성령님을 통하여 하나님 아버지의 마음을 알아갑니다. (사랑과 말씀과 성령으로 자라게 된다)

(엡 3:17-19) [17] 믿음으로 말미암아 그리스도를 여러분의 마음 속에 머물러 계시게 하여 주시기를 빕니다. 여러분이 사랑 속에 뿌리를 박고 터를 잡아서,
[18] 모든 성도와 함께 여러분이 그리스도의 사랑의 너비와 길이와 높이와 깊이가 어떠한지를 깨달을 수 있게 되고,
[19] 지식을 초월하는 그리스도의 사랑을 알게 되기를 빕니다. 그리하여 하나님의 온갖 충만하심으로 여러분이 충만하여지기를 바랍니다.

(롬 5:8) 그러나 우리가 아직 죄인이었을 때에, 그리스도께서 우리를 위하여 죽으셨습니다. 이리하여 하나님께서는 우리들에 대한 자기의 사랑을 실증하셨습니다.

그러므로, 여러분! 하나님의 변혁적 사랑을 기대하십시요. 하나님의 변혁적인 사랑이 여러분의 삶에 나타날 것을 기대하십시오.

18-2 [Only Jesus can change a believer].

Jesus is the one who puts his word into us. Jesus is the one who gives the Holy Spirit to believers.

He puts God's amazing love into us so that we can live a new life in that love.

-The believer is rooted and grounded in God's love, nourished by spiritual food from God's Word, and comes to know the heart of God the Father through the Holy Spirit. (Growing in love, Word, and Spirit.)

(Eph. 3:17-19) [17] May Christ dwell in your hearts through faith. May you be rooted and grounded in love,[18] so that you, together with all the saints, may be able to comprehend what is the breadth and length and height and depth of Christ's love,[19] and to know what is the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

(Romans 5:8) But while we were still sinners, Christ died for us; in this way God demonstrates His own love for us.

Therefore, my friends, expect God's transformative love to be manifested in your lives.

18-3. [공동체를 통해서]

또한 신자는 그리스도의 몸인 교회 공동체를 통해서 머리가 되시는 예수 그리스도에게 까지 자라게 됩니다. 

(엡 4:15-16) [15] 우리는 사랑으로 진리를 말하고 살면서, 모든 면에서 자라나서, 머리가 되시는 그리스도에게까지 다다라야 합니다.
[16] 온 몸은 머리이신 그리스도께 속해 있으며, 몸에 갖추어져 있는 각 마디를 통하여 연결되고 결합됩니다. 각 지체가 그 맡은 분량대로 활동함을 따라 몸이 자라나며 사랑 안에서 몸이 건설됩니다.

워십프론티어 교회 공동체를 통해서, 여러분의 House Church인 목장을 통해서 사랑이 자라고, 진리가 자라는 여러분이 되기를 축복합니다.

18-3. [Through Community]

The believer also grows up through the community of the church, the body of Christ, into him who is the head, Jesus Christ.

(Eph. 4:15-16) [15] We are to speak and live the truth in love, growing up in every way into him, until we reach him as the head.[16] The whole body belongs to Christ, who is the head, and is joined and knit together by every part of it. As each member does its part, the body grows and builds itself up in love.

Blessings to you as love grows and truth grows through the church community of the Watchfront, through your house church, the Ranch.

19. [보게 하소서, 알게 하소서]

하나님, 나 자신을 보게 하시고, 나 자신을 알게 하소서

이웃을 보게 하시고, 이웃을 알게 하소서

하나님을 보게 하시고, 하나님을 알게 하소서

19. [Let me see, let me know]

God, let me see myself, let me know myself.

Let me see my neighbor, and let me know my neighbor.

Let me see God, let me know God

BD-1 "Are you a disciple of Jesus?" (4/21)

[Sermon Summary]

Hello everyone, I'm going to be preaching on the theme of discipleship from Being Disciples by Rowan Williams.

DISCIPLESHIP is a state of life, a way of abiding with Jesus. In John 1, we get a clear picture of what it means to be a disciple. Discipleship is a state of life. Discipleship is not just a decision and a belief, but a life-stage.

The first characteristic of discipleship is staying with Jesus. In John 1, two men see Jesus, they follow him, he invites them to stay with him, and they do. Rowan Williams connects "stay" in John 1 with "abide" in John 15 as an important characteristic of discipleship. "Abide in me" "Abide in my love" (John 15) Therefore, a person who lives as a disciple of Jesus must have personal time with the Lord each day and abide in the presence of the Lord. Abide in the Lord's word and in the Lord's love. This is the first characteristic of discipleship.

A disciple has a birdwatcher's life style. A committed birdwatcher waits with clear expectation and focus. With anticipation, the birdwatcher stays in one place, remains silent, doesn't get impatient, and doesn't wander off. In this way, as a follower of Jesus, a disciple of Jesus lives like a birdwatcher. It's about living with the 'expectation' of Jesus, paying attention and not being distracted.

As T.S. Eliot sang - there is a strange moment when "the kingfisher's wings" flutter and send "light upon light". - All the effort the believer puts into watching, following, staying, and expecting Jesus is clearly worth it. (T. S. Eliot called "the king-fisher's wing' flashing 'light to loght' make it all worthwhile.)

The believer who lives the resurrection lives with a new sense of expectation given by the Holy Spirit.

The believer should have a sense of expectation in every situation, asking questions such as

- "What is Christ trying to give me through this person or gathering?"
-"What is Jesus Christ really trying to give me here and now?"

May you be a "Birdwatcher of Faith," expecting the Lord to work and gift you in every situation.

[Sermon Notes]

Title: "Are you a disciple of Jesus?"
(Discipleship: Walking with Jesus) *1st topic in Being Disciples

John 1:36-39 / John 15:4-9

(John 1:36-39) “「36」 and he looked at Jesus as he walked by and said, "Behold, the Lamb of God!"

「37」 The two disciples heard him say this, and they followed Jesus.

「38」 Jesus turned and saw them following and said to them, "What are you seeking?" And they said to him, "Rabbi" (which means Teacher), "where are you staying?"

「39」 He said to them, "Come and you will see." So they came and saw where he was staying, and they stayed with him that day, for it was about the tenth hour.”

(John 15:4-9) “「4」 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.

「5」 I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.

「6」 If anyone does not abide in me he is thrown away like a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire, and burned.

「7」 If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.

「8」 By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples.

「9」 As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love.

Title: "Are you a disciple of Jesus?"

*1st topic in Being Disciples / John 1:36-39 / John 15:4-9

i-1. -Good morning, everyone.

Starting today, I'm going to be speaking on topics from Rowan Williams' Being Disciples. I will be covering the following six themes.

1. Being Disciples / 2. Faith, Hope, and Love / 3. Forgiveness 4. Holiness / 5. Faith in Society / 6. Life in the Spirit

I-2. Jesus lived with clear expectations and purpose.

Jesus lived with the expectation that his followers would live a happy life.

(Jn 10:10) "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly."

(Jn 10:10) "A thief is only there to steal and kill and destroy. I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of."

Jesus did not live a "life of receiving" but a "life of giving". The life he gave was "life everlasting" and is called "life abundant". Many people dream of a "happy life," but they don't know how to get there (the way).

The "real" "eternal" and "abundant" life Jesus spoke of is the happy life, and he made it clear when he said he was the way, the truth, and the life for the "happy life".

(Jn 14:6) "Jesus said, "I am the Road, also the Truth, also the Life. No one gets to the Father apart from me."

A happy life is lived by Jesus, and so the believer receives Jesus. The believer partakes of the sacrament of the bread and cup given by Jesus. The believer enjoys "a new relationship in the new covenant".

(Lk 22:20) "He did the same with the cup after supper, saying, "This cup is the new covenant written in my blood, my blood poured out for you."

*When one receives Jesus, one believes in Jesus, and the believer becomes a child of God. *To be a child of God is to be born again of water and the Spirit. Just as water is poured over the body or immersed in water, the believer experiences the Holy Spirit (anointed).

- The Holy Spirit teaches the believer the mindset, attitudes, and lifestyle of the kingdom of God. Yes, to believe in Jesus, to become a child of God, is to experience the Holy Spirit.

*The believer has a sensory experience of the Trinitarian God and comes to know the character and work of God. The believer comes to know the oneness, harmony, and community of the Trinitarian God.

-- The believer comes to know God's love, goodness, great power, mercy, forgiveness, and resurrection.
-- The more the believer experiences God, the more he knows God, and the more he is united in what he believes and knows.
-- The heart is opened toward and receives the neighbor, just as it receives Jesus
-- You live a whole new dimension of life as the Holy Spirit teaches you (fruit of the Spirit, gifts of the Spirit, fullness of the Spirit, sorrow of the Spirit, prayer of the Spirit).
-- Realizing that he or she is in a relationship with God in which he or she is not abandoned, the believer not only lives with the security that God provides, but also lives a life that embraces the abandoned, the forgotten, the wronged, and the resentful.
-- The believer's broken home is rebuilt, and a church devoid of God's glory is transformed into a place full of God's glory.

i-3. Identity as a Christian is the starting point; identity as a disciple is the destination.

<Being a Christian is not a destination in itself; being a Christian is a step toward being a disciple. The happiness of a true believer is deepened and enriched by the life of being a disciple. Let's explore what it means to be a disciple of Jesus, what you'll experience, and how you'll be transformed. We bless each and every WorshipFrontier believer to live a life of being a "disciple of Jesus."

1. Discipleship is about finding where the Lord is.

1-1. Discipleship is a state of life.

In John 1, we get a clear picture of what it means to be a disciple. Discipleship is a state of life. Discipleship is not just a decision and belief, but a life stage.

“Discipleship is a state of being. Discipleship is about how we live: not just the decisions we make, not just the things we believe, but a state of being.”

(A) Therefore, the first step in discipleship is to seek, meet, and be with Jesus.

2 The people see Jesus passing by and follow him. - Jesus sees them and asks them a question. "What are you looking for?"- they answer, and Jesus invites them in. - Rabbi, where is your lodging? / Come and see, let's go together. / They stay with Jesus that day.

(Mk 3:13-14) "13 "Jesus went up on the mountain, and called those whom he wanted, and they came to him. "14" And he appointed the twelve [he also named them apostles]; and he kept them with him, and sent them out to preach the word."

(B) Stay and Abide

Rowan Williams connects the word stay in John 1 with the word abide in John 15.
-Remain in me. Abide in me. -Live in me. Make your home in me just as I do in you."
-Stay in my love. Abide in my love. "Make yourselves at home in my love."

(Jn 15:4-9) "[4] Remain in me, and I in you, and you in me. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit on its own unless it remains attached to the vine, so you cannot bear fruit unless you remain in me.

"5" I am the vine, you are the branches. If a man remains in me, and I in him, he bears much fruit, for I remain in him. You can do nothing apart from Me.

"6" If a man does not remain in me, he is thrown out like a useless branch and dries up. People gather it up, throw it into the fire, and it is burned.

"7" If you remain in Me, and My words remain in you, whatever you ask for, it will be done for you.

"8" If you bear much fruit and remain my disciples, my Father will be glorified by this.

"9" As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Remain in my love."

I want you to have a private, personal time with Jesus each day. I encourage you to spend time with Jesus each day in His Word, in prayer, and in His presence.

1-2. The second aspect of being a disciple is to have a birdwatcher-like lifestyle.

Being a 'disciple', a learner, in that sense is a state being in which you are looking and listening without interruption. ('non-intermittent' quality in being a disciple)

- You are hanging around; you are watching; you are absorbing a way of being that you are starting to share. You learn by sharing life; you learn by looking and listening.

There is a sense of anticipation in a birdwatcher, and so a very skilled birdwatcher will settle down in one place, remain silent, not impatient, not wander off, because they have an expectation that something amazing will suddenly unfold before their eyes.

This is the same attitude of a believer who is becoming a disciple. Jesus' disciples are those who live in expectation through Jesus. A believer prays, a believer seeks the Lord's will, a believer makes decisions.

A birdwatcher sits on the edge of his seat, knowing that something amazing will suddenly unfold before his eyes. Sometimes, of course, this means standing in the rain all day, even though nothing is happening. In this way, as a follower of Jesus, we live like a birdwatcher. It's about living with the "expectation" of Jesus, paying attention and not being distracted. (Being Aware and Attentive)

As T. S. Eliot sang - there is a strange moment when "the kingfisher's wings" flutter and send "light upon light". - Every effort the believer makes to watch, follow, linger, and expect Jesus is worthwhile. (T. S. Eliot called "the king-fisher's wing' flashing 'light to loght' make it all worthwhile.)


1-3. In the Gospels the disciples don't just listen; they are expected to look as well.

Mark's Gospel doesn't sugarcoat the insensitivity of the disciples. The disciples of Jesus are shown to be, at times, incredibly insensitive as they follow Jesus. Over and over again in the Gospels, we see the disciples' inability to recognize what is the glory of God and what is at the heart of Jesus' words.

(Jn 2:11) "This act in Cana of Galilee was the first sign Jesus gave, the first glimpse of his glory. And his disciples believed in him."

Jesus performed many miracles, which were not just miracles, but signs (signs, hints) of meaning. But the disciples continue to show insensitivity, which is why the Gospels ask the question, "What did you do that for?" (What did you do that for?).

Jesus asks the disciples, "How do you understand it?" and "Do you know what it says?"

In Mark 8, Jesus talks to his disciples on the boat after the feeding of the 4,000. After feeding the 5,000 and 4,000 twice, he asks his disciples what they saw, and finally says, "Jesus said to them, 'Do you know what this means?

(Mk 8:17) "Jesus overheard and said, "Why are you fussing because you forgot bread? Don't you see the point of all this? Don't you get it at all?"

(Mk 8:21) "And he said to them, "Do you not yet understand?""

Jesus asks his disciples to focus, recognize, and expect. He asks them to watch their actions with as much attention as they listen to his words, and to watch with such inner composure that when a world-changing light suddenly appears, like the flap of a kingfisher's wings, they are ready to seize the moment.

Blessings to you, WorshipFrontier believers, as you live this life of discipleship.

1-4. The Holy Spirit breathes a new sense of expectation into the believer who lives the resurrection.

As believers, we are to live with a sense of expectation as we move through this age. We should live in anticipation of finding our story in the Bible, understanding who we are, and being transformed together with one another.

As believers, we should look at our neighbors with expectation. Whoever they meet,

"What is it that Christ is trying to give me through this person or this gathering?"

- "What is it that Jesus Christ is truly offering me here and now?"

- As followers of Jesus, we are to live with expectations for one another, so that when the Lord sees us, we may experience the fulfillment of the expectations and goals we have for our lives as so-called "happiness".

- If we choose to live our lives as disciples of Jesus, we can ask ourselves the following questions

- What are my expectations for myself? - What are my expectations for my family and children?

- What are my expectations for the church, society, and the world?

May you experience the kingdom of God as you live with Jesus in your life.